2.1 Quick revision
We strongly recommend trying these Quick revision questions before your tutorial.
Consider this RQ: 'What factors are preventing the adoption of household solar technologies in Santiago [Chile]?' (Walters et al. 2018).
- For this RQ, what is the Population?
- The study will be externally valid if:
- Suppose the researchers mailed surveys to all households in Santiago, and people returned the survey if they wished to.
What is the best description of this sampling method?
- Suppose the researchers randomly selected five suburbs in Santiago; then ten streets within each of these suburbs; then ten households within each of these streets.
What is the best description of this sampling method?
- The RQ states that only households in Santiago will be studied.
- External validity means that the sample represents the intended population (i.e., households in Santiago).
- Since people only return the survey if they want to, this is self-selecting.
- There are multiple stages of random selection, so this is multi-stage.
Walters JP, Kaminsky J, Huepe C. Factors influencing household solar adoption in Santiago, Chile. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. American Society of Civil Engineers; 2018;144(6):05018004.