8.3 More Complex RNA Secondary Structures
8.3.1 Psuedoknots
Figure 8.7: Pseudoknots
This is a structure that is formed when single strands of RNA fold to form a base-pair interaction with a hairpin loop.
8.3.2 Kissing hairpins
Figure 8.8: Kissing Hairpins
Two hairpin loops can form base-pair interactions with one another to yield kissing hairpins.
These kissing hairpins can also arise from intermolecular or intramolecular interactions.
8.3.3 Hairpin loop bulge contact
Figure 8.9: Hairpin loop - bulge contacts
This structure results from the interaction of a hairpin loop with a bulge.
The examples presented in figure 8.9 involves non Watson-Crick base pair interactions.