9.4 Error bar charts

For this section, the data introduced in Sect. 8.1 are used.

  1. Use the SPSS menu: select Graphs> Chart Builder…
  2. Select the type of plot. Select Bar, then select the third template from the second row, and drag it to the canvas (Fig. 9.10).
Selecting an error bar chart

FIGURE 9.10: Selecting an error bar chart

  1. Add the variables. Drag the qualitative variable to the bottom (left-to-right) axis; drag the quantitative variable to the vertical (up-and-down) axis (Fig. 9.11).
  2. Press OK. You will have your graph in the SPSS Output window.
Adding the variables to create an error bar chart

FIGURE 9.11: Adding the variables to create an error bar chart