5.1 Bar charts (side-by-side; stacked)

For this section, the data introduced in Sect. 3.1 are used.

  1. Use the jamvoi menu: select Analyses> Frequencies> Independent samples (\(\chi^2\) test of association).
  2. Add the variables. Add the variables to the rows and columns (in this case, the Rows is Diet and the Columns is B12).
  3. Click on the right-pointing arrow next to the Plots option from the bottom of the left-side screen.
  4. In the Plots section, select Bar Plot; then select Bar Type (either a Side by side bar chart, or a Stacked bar chart).
Adding the variables to create a side-by-side bar chart in jamovi

FIGURE 5.1: Adding the variables to create a side-by-side bar chart in jamovi

  1. You can change the vertical axis to represent either counts or percentages by your selection under Y-Axis.
  2. You can change which variables is on the horizontal axis by your selection under X-Axis. There are plenty of options, so feel free to experiment. A useful one is to use for the Y-Axis is Percentages with the within rows option.
Adding the variables to create a side-by-side bar chart in jamovi

FIGURE 5.2: Adding the variables to create a side-by-side bar chart in jamovi

  1. You will have your graph in the Output window.