3.3 Analysis

Remember that this data set is available from the textbook as B12-Long in Appendix A

Once the data are entered, we can begin analysis:

  1. Use the menu: select Analyses> Frequencies> Independent samples (\(\chi^2\) test of association)
Select the correct test

FIGURE 3.2: Select the correct test

  1. Select the variables: dragging them from the left panel to the Rows and Columns areas as appropriate. In Table 3.1, Diet is in the rows of the table, for example.
Enter the variables

FIGURE 3.3: Enter the variables

  1. Select the analysis options: Under the area where you entered the variables, select the right-pointing arrow beside Statistics, and then:
  • Select X2: this conducts the \(\chi^2\) hypothesis test for comparing odds.
  • Select z test for difference in 2 proportions: this conducts the \(z\)-test to compare proportions.
  • Select Odds ratio: this shows the value of the odds ratio.
  • Select Difference in proportions: this shows the difference between the two proportions.
  • Select Confidence intervals: this shows the CI for the odds ratio, and for the difference between the proportions.
Check the correct options

FIGURE 3.4: Check the correct options

  1. You will have your output in the jamovi Output window on the right.