2.1 Brief History on Different Microscopes

This section covers three different kinds of microscopes: the magnifying glass, the eyeglass, and the compound microscope.

2.1.1 Magnifying Glasses

A magnifying glass

Figure 2.1: A magnifying glass

A magnifying glass is a simple microscope that dates back to 424 BC: a glass globe filled with water was the first ever piece of evidence of a magnifying glass.

Because of this, magnifying glasses have been applied to health and Biology since its early days!

2.1.2 Eyeglasses

A portrait of a man wearing a pair of eyeglasses

Figure 2.2: A portrait of a man wearing a pair of eyeglasses

The above portrait (painted some time in 1352) depicts a man wearing a pair of eyeglasses while writing.

2.1.3 First Compound Microscope

A Sketch of Jansen's Microscope

Figure 2.3: A Sketch of Jansen’s Microscope

A compound microscope is a device that is used to visualize small specimens on a glass slide.

The first compound microscope was made in 1595 by Dutch spectacle makers Hans Jansen and Zacharias Jansen.

2.1.4 Galileo Gallei

He was the first scientist to prove Copernicus’ heliocentric model of the solar system (i.e., the Earth revolves around the sun).

Galileo also managed to discover Venus’ phases using his telescope.